Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Goodness and Greatness

I would rather be good than great. I would rather be truly and deeply cared for by a few than lauded by millions. Such is the path I have chosen to walk, though I haven't always seen as clearly as I do now. At times I have been blinded by the glimmer of success on a distant horizon and neglected the things that matter most.

Greatness is the stuff of history books and heroic tales, and I have always felt a stirring in the depths of my soul to seek such a legacy. But goodness is remembered, too, though it may not be publicized. I don't have to change the world, cure a disease, or see my picture on the cover of Time magazine to be someone. The very best opportunities for making a difference are right in front of me. I have an impact on the lives of the people I interact with every day, for good or for ill.

There is a man who sits near me at work. We aren't on the same team, and our various duties are so different that in the normal course of business we wouldn't be required to speak to each other at all. But every day he walks by my desk at some point and says "Hi," or "Have a good weekend," or "See you tomorrow." For some reason his kindness and sincerity always leave me smiling.

When I've gone through hard times I have been supported by good friends who, even though they couldn't take away my pain, have helped to ease my burdens. They made a difference not by doing something "great," but simply by being there for me. I will always remember them for their goodness, and their example makes me want to do the same for others, to be there for them when they need me most.

There are many true heroes who sacrifice for others in small ways every day, yet their works are unrewarded and their names unknown. These everyday heroes make the world is a better place because of their goodness.

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