Friday, February 18, 2011

A Father's Love

Every woman deserves to be adored by someone.

In an ideal world, every little girl would be adored by a loving father. As the father of two daughters, I can honestly say that my love for them transcends all boundaries. It doesn't matter where they go or what they do, it doesn't matter what happens in my life. Even in death, I will still adore them. Every little girl deserves to be loved that way.

My daughters are currently too young to date, but that will soon change. I pray that they will only date boys who respect them and treat them with kindness. I pray that they will obey the rules I set for them, understanding that those rules are to help keep them safe. They are not arbitrary guidelines or pointless restrictions, but expressions of love.

Someday I hope to be the father of two beautiful brides, and I pray that my daughters will choose wisely in this most important of life's decisions. If I could talk to my future sons-in-law right now, I would tell them to treat their mothers and sisters with complete deference in every situation. I would tell them to make the most of their lives, to learn to work, to get good grades and make plans to attend college. I would tell them to live clean lives, to use clean words, to be examples to those around them, and to come to know God and serve Him. I would tell them further that they will never be good enough for my daughters, but that if they spend their whole lives trying to be worthy of them, perhaps God will grant them grace and allow them to be together in the eternal world.

I pray that my daughters will be adored by their husbands forever, and I also pray that they will be adored by their children and always surrounded by love. Such is the wish of my heart, but fairytale endings are uncommon in the real world. I recognize that many experience hardships through death, divorce, or betrayal. Some are unable to find companions at all, and far too many women feel alone. If my daughters ever find themselves in that situation, even if I am not there to put my arms around them, I hope they will know that they are always adored by God.

Every woman deserves to be adored by someone.

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