Sunday, April 24, 2011


Human beings naturally yearn to be inspired, to be infused with hope, to feel fully alive, and to believe that there's something better than this world that can be used to make this world better. When our hearts are in tune we can find inspiration everywhere we go, and we can find joy even in the midst of difficulties.

A few years ago I felt weighed down by some of the challenges I was facing in life. I was numb, and I longed for the happiness I had once taken for granted. Trying to keep myself distracted from the very real pain I felt inside simply wasn't working anymore, and when I sought solutions through introspection and increased self-awareness I ran into a dead end. I remember driving on the freeway one night and crying as I felt the hopelessness of my situation; I had everything I thought I needed to be happy, but I wasn't. That was the moment I realized that if I gave my heart to God, He could make it new.

The process of change took time, and in many ways it is still continuing, but slowly I began to surrender my pride and I allowed God to direct me more than I had before. I've been happier in recent months than I've been in a long time, and I can feel grace in my life again. My relationships are better than they've ever been, and I'm learning that focusing on the needs of others can make me far happier than thinking only about myself.

I'm also learning that the inspiration and hope I felt I was living without had been there all along, but I couldn't see it because I wasn't living true to my heart. Now I'm finding joy in works of art, music, nature, books and the kind words of others. Little things like an hour spent on the phone with a friend or playing with my children can leave me feeling full and wanting to share light with others. With the heart, everything in life can be a source of inspiration.

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