Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Prayer of Gratitude

Thank you, Lord, for creating this beautiful world.
You made the mountain summits that I have stood upon
while gazing at beautiful valleys thousands of feet below.
You made the stars that fill the nighttime sky,
the seasons that change in a rhythmic dance,
and the aspen forests that quake in the blowing wind.

You made the red-rock cliffs where I have stood in awe,
marveling at the beauty and variety of your artistry.
You made the ocean, the lakes and streams,
the sunsets that light up the sky;
rainbows and clouds, the green grass of spring--
all these serve as reminders of your existence.

You made the snow that fell that moonlit night,
when I found myself in a mountain meadow
and felt perfect serenity.
You made the rain that fell on the windshield
while I listened to music with my best friend
on a perfect day so many years ago.

You gave me a family and a home;
and even if I didn't have those things,
I would still have you,
and I know I will never be alone.
Everything in this world reminds me
that you are always there.

You gave me the ability to choose for myself,
to make mistakes and to learn from them.
You gave me breath,
and each new day when I awake
I pray that I will be able to use those breaths
to accomplish my purpose in this world.

You gave me your guiding voice,
and the ability to communicate with you through prayer.
You filled my heart with compassion, understanding,
and love for your children.
I am surrounded by your presence,
and you give me the strength to face each day.

You gave me weaknesses, trials, challenges and difficulties,
but you also gave me a way to endure them.
You gave me everything I could ever want and more.
I am grateful to be alive,
and I am grateful for you.
Thank you, Lord, for creating this beautiful world.

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