Monday, March 14, 2011

How to Set and Achieve Goals

It isn't always easy to set and achieve goals, but I believe just about anything in life is possible with focused intensity and a strong desire to change. I would much rather choose my own course than drift aimlessly in the meandering currents of circumstance. I like having a purpose, a destination, and I like being able to see measurable progress along the way. I can't control everything that happens to me, but I can decide who I am and how I will react to different situations. If anyone can change my life, it's me!

Sometimes I know exactly what I want, but other times it can be agonizingly difficult to decide on a course of action because there are so many potential opportunities. It can be helpful to envision what I want my life to look like in the next 5, 10, or 20 years. What activities will I be involved in each day? What kind of person will I be? How will I make a contribution in the world? What legacy will I leave behind? I need to set realistic goals that take into account my resources, talents, personality, and my unique mission in life. Most importantly, I need to be committed enough to stick with my goals even when I encounter obstacles.

Once I've decided what I want to achieve, I can work backwards to identify the steps required to arrive at my destination. My plan should cover every aspect of getting from where I am to where I want to be. If I'm unsure how to move forward, it can help to talk to someone who is already doing what I want to do and find out how he or she got there. My plan should rely on action, not luck. If it looks good on paper but isn't working in real life, I should change it! There's nothing wrong with trying different approaches as long as I stay focused on the end result. Telling trusted friends and supportive family members what I want to achieve can be helpful, too, since the simple act of telling someone else about my goals can make them seem more real. And it's important to celebrate small successes along the way.

I recently set a goal to run a half marathon. I began by choosing the race I wanted to run and then found a training schedule that would help me build up the required endurance over the course of 12 weeks. Almost immediately I encountered a fairly difficult obstacle in the form of a hip injury that needs to be addressed before I can proceed with my training schedule. So I changed my plans and am currently working to resolve the issue. I will have to choose a different race at a different time, but my goal to run a half marathon remains intact.

When I've completed my first half marathon I will celebrate, but my work won't be done. Most worthwhile endeavors require a certain level of lifelong commitment, but it is usually much easier to maintain a change than to create it. When I arrive at my destination I will set a new goal, perhaps to run a full marathon. At the very least I will continue to exercise so I won't lose the endurance I've worked so hard to build up.

The point of goal setting is to get across the finish line, otherwise it's no different from wishing or dreaming. When I get discouraged, and I know I will, affirmation can strengthen me. I need to be confident in my ability to succeed, taking in all the positive information and success stories I can and surrounding myself with people who have done or are in the process of doing exactly what I want to do. The power to change my life, my world, and my circumstances lies within me.

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