Friday, April 17, 2015

Being Prepared

Several years ago I decided to do something I hadn't done in a long time -- and actually haven't done since: go mountain biking. I used to do it all the time when I was younger, but life got busy and I stopped going at some point. I had wanted to get back into exercising and thought mountain biking would be a good option, so I made plans one evening to drive to Hobble Creek Canyon where I knew there was a mountain biking trail. The sun had already set when I started and at one point in the trail there was a very large tree root. I carefully went around it and made a note of it so I wouldn't get into an accident on the way back down as the daylight continued to phase. I didn't see anyone else on the trail while I was going up, but on the way back down I saw a man walking with two bikes while his wife walked in front of him. She was holding her arm, and I stopped to talk to them. Apparently she had hit that tree root that I narrowly avoided and landed on her collar bone, breaking it. There was more than a mile yet to walk and she was in pretty severe pain. I had brought a first aid kit with me and was able to give her some painkillers and a sling. I walked the rest of the way back with them and when we got to the car her husband and I gave her a blessing (I had also brought consecrated oil with me). Afterward she looked me in the eyes and said, "Thank you for being prepared." I have absolutely no doubt that I was sent to that particular place in time specifically so I could help her.

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