Saturday, October 27, 2012

All I Need

Take it.
Take it all.
It was never really mine anyway.

If there is anything standing between us,
if there is anything keeping me from you,
then take it

I trust you with my heart,
my soul, my life
and my salvation.
In the past,
when you've taken things from me,
I've been angry and hurt.
But no more.

Now I see that you simply want
what is best for me,
and when I cling to other things
it keeps me from feeling your love
and serving you as I ought

So take it,
take it all,
whatever it is.
Family, friends,
money, respect,
it doesn't matter

Take everything.
I don't care how much it hurts,
and when I have nothing left
then I will finally realize
that you are all I need.


  1. I don't know if I'm to that point. But I want to be!
    Thanks for sharing your poetry/thoughts. =)

    1. I just lost something that was pretty important to me (something I honestly thought I couldn't live without). It hurts, but I'm still breathing, and in the midst of sorrow I am realizing that God is strong enough and loves me enough to heal my broken heart. If losing everything I love is the only way for me to learn to really believe that He can do everything He says he can do, and that He is everything He says He is, then so be it. (But if there's an easier way, I'm okay with that too :) )
