The trail to the falls, like everything else this season, was snow-free, but there were a few spots with some pretty slippery ice (I almost fell once or twice):
I took this picture while standing in front of the falls:
And I took this picture of the creek near the falls:
It was truly a privilege to be surrounded by so much Beauty while I was taking these pictures! I will treasure them always.
On Saturday (New Year's Eve) I had the opportunity to go cross-country skiing at Sundance with my youngest daughter and my dad. I've been skiing there since I was 7 years old--long before it was an official resort. It's a special place filled with special memories.
I was amazed at how much endurance I had while skiing (probably due to the fact that I've been running three times a week for the past several months) and had an absolutely fantastic time.
My daughter and my dad:
Me trying to give my daughter the "bunny ears":
After we finished skiing, a neighbor came over and helped me put my basement carpet back down (it's finally dry from our water heater leak), then in the evening we invited my wife's sister and her family and my friend Pam over for a New Year's Eve party. We played a new game we got for Christmas called "Headbands" (you wear a headband and put a card on it that says something like "Britney Spears" or "Disneyland" or "Venice." Everyone else can see the card, but you can't, and it's your job to ask the right questions and guess what it is.
Here is a picture of me and Pam and my 4-year-old niece:
I have a feeling 2012 is going to be an amazing year. Hopefully there be a little less "drama" than last year, but whatever happens I'll find ways to be happy. I plan to love more, to drink more deeply from the cup of life, to strengthen my relationships with the people that matter most to me, and to be more kind and generous. I plan to continue to develop my talents and share them with others, to remain calm and confident even in the midst of storms, and to surround myself with as much Beauty as possible.
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