When they found mold in our upstairs bathrooms they quarantined them by putting plastic over the doors, and the mold removal is still in progress (but almost complete). They are running some kind of equipment in both of the bathrooms that is quite loud (louder than the fans that were running to dry our carpet):
This is the dresser I couldn't find on Monday (I looked everywhere for it and my wife didn't know where it was either). I finally found it in my son's bedroom:
This is the master bath (where the problem started) in "quarantine":
This is the equipment that was running in our bedroom for several days to dry our carpet (it's gone now, thank goodness):
They had to remove the bathroom doors and they are currently sitting in our bedroom:
This is the corner of our bedroom:
And this is our bed with everything stacked on it:
This is the makeshift "vanity" my wife set up in the kitchen so my daughters can still have time to get ready in the morning (now that there is only one working bathroom):
Today they are coming to do mold testing and make sure it is completely gone. I'm hoping they'll be take their noisy equipment with them! And then we can finally begin the remodeling process for all three of our bathrooms (and put out bedroom carpet back the way it is supposed to be). It is interesting how much things can be thrown out of balance when you have a house in chaos. We're doing our best to work around things, but it will be so nice when the repairs are finally complete!
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