Monday, August 22, 2011

New Beginnings

This morning I dropped my two oldest children off at the junior high for their first day of school. My oldest daughter is starting ninth grade and my youngest daughter is starting seventh grade. Their younger brother is starting fourth grade (my wife drove him to school today). As I dropped my daughters off I felt the same nervous excitement that I always felt at the beginning of a new school year. When I was younger I remember being torn between excitement and fear on my first day. I looked forward to meeting new people and learning new things, but was a little afraid that the workload would be too high or that I wouldn't like my teachers. After a long summer of doing very little, though, I usually welcomed the change brought by school ... even if it meant I'd have to start being responsible again.

Last week I asked my oldest daughter if she was excited for school to start, and she said, "Well, I'm getting kind of tired of laying around all day." I responded, "And I'm getting kind of tired of YOU laying around all day, so this will be a good change for both of us!" There is a time and a season for everything, and summer can be nice in its own way. But I'm excited to get back into a routine and see my children working toward something again. The new school year will certainly bring challenges, but it will also bring new opportunities, new friendships, and new growth.

My oldest daughter had to make a difficult decision last year. She has an opportunity to take seminary and learn about religion during the school day, but in order to fit it into her schedule she had to sacrifice art, which has always been one of her favorite subjects. I was proud of her for being willing to make that sacrifice, and I'm excited for her to learn about the Old Testament this year. As a compromise I signed her up for private art lessons during the summer (and we might continue them in the fall).

My youngest daughter had a very difficult time opening her locker, and my wife took her to the school almost every day for nearly two weeks so she could practice. We even got her a new locker, because hers was quite temperamental (even the smallest mistake would cause it not to open). She seems to be doing better with her new locker, and I'm hoping she won't have any problems getting it open between classes.

I'm curious what will happen with my son this year with regard to sports. Many of the boys his age spend their recesses playing basketball, and at the end of last year he began practicing so he could join their games. He lost interest during the summer, but perhaps with the new school year beginning he'll want to play again and we'll be able to spend a few evenings a week on the basketball court in our driveway.

Time passes far too quickly when you are a parent, but I am proud of all my children and am excited to see them growing. I'm praying for them and I hope that this new beginning will be the start of a wonderful year of learning and positive change in their lives.

1 comment:

  1. Time does go by so quickly... My youngest brother started Kindergarten today. And my sister is getting married in a few months. But it's so much happier when change and time bring growth, like you were saying, instead of deterioration or diminishing. Luckily both of my siblings I mentioned are definitely going to be growing positively from these new experiences. =)
