For the rest of this entry I thought I'd talk a little about my house and post some photos I took last week. Whenever we have visitors, even family members, we go out of our way to clean the house (at least, the parts of it that people will see), but for this blog post I decided to just take pictures "as-is."
This is a picture of my youngest daughter's bedroom (upstairs):
And the same bedroom from a different angle:
This is a "bookshelf" in my son's room (upstairs) that he uses as a toy box (actually I think the entire room is just one big toy box):
And this is a picture of my son's bed and desk:
This is a picture of my piano (in our basement). It's a 1914 Kimball upright grand. I spend a lot of time at the piano whenever I'm at home:
This is a picture of my oldest daughter's bedroom (in the basement):
This is a picture of my music studio downstairs where I teach lessons. There is also a wood stove in this room:
This is a picture of my bed (upstairs). I love the mural on the wall behind it:
This is a picture of our living room (main level):
And a close-up of the temple picture hanging on the wall (I have always loved this picture):
Another picture of the living room:
This is a picture of the kitchen. The brown drop-leaf desk in front is where I'm sitting as I'm writing this:
And this is the bathtub in that same bathroom:
This is a picture of the ping-pong table and other assorted junk in our garage:
This is my computer desk (with a picture of George Washington hanging on the wall):